

Ein Virus kennt keine Moral(1986)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:剧情 / 喜剧 / 科幻
  • 语言: 德语
  • 地区: 西德
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4. 周一或周二/ Biserka Alibegovic、Drago Bahun
5. 安妮塔—恶之舞/ Lotti Huber、Ina Blum
6. 埃卡·卡塔帕/ Carla Aulaula、Magdalena Montezuma
7. 轰炸机飞行员/ Carla Egerer、Mascha Rabben
8. 饥饿三三年/ 奥莱克西·戈尔布诺夫、Galina Sulima
9. 照片/ 希斯多·瓦拉瓦尼迪斯、Christos Tsagas
10. 加州柳泉/ 玛格达琳娜·蒙特祖玛 、克里斯汀·考夫曼




病毒可不讲道德原名:Ein Virus kennt keine Moral,又名A Virus knows no Morals

Nurses on the night shift roll dice to see which **** patient will *** next. The owner of a *** bathhouse gets Kaposi’s Sarcoma but tries to keep his mind on profits. An epidemic victim is harassed by a reporter on his death bed – he sticks her with a contaminated syringe. The government opens a quarantine called Hell *** Land. *** terrorists kidnap the Minister of Health. A bl...







Zaggy 🇵🇸 2023-06-25

16mm at Spectacle. Typical RVP style of scattershot, loose vignette-based narrative structure with a dose of theatricality. This one is less visually interesting than some of the other I have seen, but does offer a window into the societal concerns around **** epidemic from all sorts of perspectives at the time. Those who fetishize, sensationalize and antagonize, those who fear and those who exploit.

麝明 Musk Ming 2022-06-09
