Plastilinovaya vorona在线观看和下载

Plastilinovaya vorona


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:动画 / 短片 / 歌舞
  • 语言: 俄语
  • 地区: 苏联
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Plastilinovaya vorona又名Пластилиновая ворона、Plasticine Crow

The legendary animated film "Plasticine Crow" is known to everyone with its absurd and sometimes surreal, but always funny stories. The film itself is conventionally divided into three independent parts, each of which tells its own story. In the first the authors introduce the viewer with the genres of painting on the example of children's drawings. The story is accompanied by ...

发布于1981年。由Aleksandr Tatarsky执导,并于1981公映的电影。


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