The Human Face在线观看和下载

The Human Face


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 劳瑞·安德森
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
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The Human Face

A highly innovative arts documentary, which uses the latest special effects, to investigate the cultural and scientific background behind the way we judge people by their face. The documentary was presented by US artist and musician, Laurie Anderson whose face was transformed into iconic and historic stereotypes as she talked. Special effects were created by Christopher Tucker....

发布于1991年。由Nicola Bruce、Michael Coulson执导,并且由编剧劳瑞·安德森、Nicola Bruce携幕后团队创作。集众多位劳瑞·安德森等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1991-04-19(英国)公映的电影。


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The Human Face评论

渐近线 2021-11-11

好棒的**式纪录片,Laurie is a genius。从自我认知,到人的关系,第一印象,再到人脸作为符号和社会肖像、表情作为文化的反射、摄影,静态瞬间和合成图像、美学、面容的经济效益… 最终谈到**的脸,政治和地**脸,性别和种族的脸,安全的脸,标签化的脸,理想中的脸。通过采访、理论、科学依据和田野调查勾勒轮廓:普通的脸、有形的脸、完美的脸、虚构的脸、映照着心灵的脸…… 以及闭上眼睛以后,浮现在脑海里的,一张拼凑起来的、模糊的、古怪的、只有一瞬间的脸。