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The Run Saga: Breathe


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Faced with life's obstacles, interrelated sets of situations control the fate of individuals who are connected. Controversial and seemingly isolated stories interlock as the characters battle their own personal demons, as well as the burdens that society places on them. A young man deals with haunted nightmares of his abusive family past that seem to arise in his present. Dive ...

发布于2018年。由Frederick Tabiyus Nah IV执导,并且由编剧Frederick Tabiyus Nah IV携幕后团队创作。集众多位布兰登·巴特勒、爱丽珊·麦卡蒂、杰夫·罗斯、布洛迪·罗斯、迈克尔·艾伦·米利甘、Blue Kimble、Frederick Tabiyus Nah IV、Jesse Howland、Ottavio Lobefaro、Forrest Kiyoshi Hoffman等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2018-08-16(美国)公映的电影。


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