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Postman's Knock

Postman's Knock(1962)

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Postman's Knock原名:Postman's Knock,

Likeable country postman Harold Petts gets transferred from his village to London, where on his arrival he unwittingly foils a mail train robbery. Innocent in the ways of the big ****, he is thought to be a member of another gang by both the train robbers and the police, who all suspect him of trying to rob the post office where he works. Petts however gains notoriety in the po...

发布于1962年。由Robert Lynn执导,并且由编剧Jack Trevor Story携幕后团队创作。集众多位斯派克·米利甘、芭芭拉·谢莉、约翰·伍德等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1962公映的电影。


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