AI is not where it begins, it’s where it ends; On the other hand, psychology is not the golden rule, since robots are not human beings, they are (or should be) fictional characters. You should know what you are doing first, and to know it, we seek in humanities.
Ilovechocho 2023-11-15
AI is not where it begins, it’s where it ends; On the other hand, psychology is not the golden rule, since robots are not human beings, they are (or should be) fictional characters. You should know what you are doing first, and to know it, we seek in humanities.
巴頓芬克 2022-01-28
機器人取代看護?如果再進化並非不可能。現階段只能對話,比較像是取代寵物,讓老人家不無聊。 老**們跟機器人的互動超可愛,看的開心。
pulp croc 2021-11-17
Q&A提到Alice全程是被送她来的男人programming 毁童话!
宴歧 2019-07-30